About me

Podcasts combine elaborate and artistic sound production with thematic concerns ranging from scientific research to slice-of-life journalism. Many podcast series provide an associated website with links and show notes, and even a community forum dedicated to discussing the show’s content.

My Minimalism Story

Growing up, I was convinced that the right possessions could redefine who I was. I was so dissatisfied with the girl I was (even though, looking back, she was pretty great) that I believed I could be the perfect version of myself if I just owned and wore the right things.

And it wasn’t just a passing thought; I felt it so strongly in my chest at all times like these trinkets would be my salvation. My worth and hope for the future were tied up in these things I couldn’t afford; eternally out of reach.

When I started earning my own money, I spent it on trying to feel like I looked like somebody who was worthy. And so my bank balance declined while my home filled up with items I didn’t need. Some things I never even wore or used; now that I had bought them they had served their purpose of giving me that glimmer of hope that the future would be different.

After years of this strategy not working and being unable to effectively store everything I owned, I discovered minimalism. I had ventured on a brief stint of travelling that made me realise I didn’t need so much; having less made me feel lighter and more free. I was liberated from all the stuff that I thought would save me.

In six weeks I got rid of around 90% of the things I owned. It taught me almost every lesson that makes me proud to be the person I am today. And, nearly ten years later, it is still serving me well.